View Full Version : Are You in Beta?
01-08-2010, 03:22 PM
Hi, me again. Was just wondering if there were any TG people floating around in Cata beta? Could be fun to join up and test stuff together.
If you are there you can find me on any of these chars (add me!) :
Krumly - Gnome DK
Krumple - Goblin Rogue
Nimlil - Draenei Priest
It's on the Mekkatorque EU realm. If you want into the alliance guild <Fluffy Bunnies>, ask Boubouille to invite you. On horde side any member of <Random Guild> can inv you.
Hope to see you ingame!
:wave: Peace and love to everyone in TG, hope you are having a nice summer. Steven, are you a Dad yet? :O
01-08-2010, 04:41 PM
How could you pick a draenei over gnome priest!?
01-08-2010, 08:49 PM
Because it's just my priest from live copied over to the test realm. ;) Don't worry, I fully understand and embrace the awesomeness that Gnome Priests will come to symbolize.
01-08-2010, 11:26 PM
sadly no, I haven't recieved any notice of being let in on the beta :( hope you enjoy it Rumil, and would love to join ya
02-08-2010, 12:00 PM
Incidentally, can anyone here smelt Elementium (learned from a book that drops in bwl)? I've got the mats and need 10 bars making. :D
02-08-2010, 01:14 PM
Incidentally, can anyone here smelt Elementium (learned from a book that drops in bwl)? I've got the mats and need 10 bars making. :D
Was just about to correct you on the MC thing, but yeah they changed it.
Grats on the sword drops, you do a lot of MC or get lucky?
02-08-2010, 03:23 PM
Was just about to correct you on the MC thing, but yeah they changed it.
Grats on the sword drops, you do a lot of MC or get lucky?
Hes a lucker :D
03-08-2010, 01:15 AM
Hes a lucker :D
Yeah this pretty much. How many times we did MC since we started farming, Crum? Like 6 or something haha. The flip side of that I guess is that people like Stuf and Knowyou hate my guts, lol.
We only need one more binding for Crum's Pala, even though he's a filthy Horde defector atm.
03-08-2010, 01:58 PM
Yeah this pretty much. How many times we did MC since we started farming, Crum? Like 6 or something haha
Yeah i would say about 6 or so runs - got 3 bindings in just over a month
08-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Hey all.
Saw the beta over at friends place the other night. Wasn't too impressed though. Same old content and slightly different maps. Goblins look cool but dunno about worgens. Never was a wolfman myself.
Stuf out but not the fire!
I dont hate you rums. one can only love gnomesies :-D
And check the guild achievement on garr.
13-08-2010, 11:39 AM
Hi Stuf! :D /salute
Tael... you dl'd the client yet?
06-09-2010, 05:58 PM
Mmm, thought today that the beta was open already, could do character transfer and all...... but just now i found out this was for beta of WotLK...... doh, why do they still have this active on the site anyway?
Anyhoes.... how can i opt-in for the Cata beta?
Live servers are boring atm, it's all grinding gear that i'll never really use anyway.... :(
Mmm, found this myself:
But logging in with battlenet account only gives a "file not found" error. So, no more opt-in i guess? /cry
06-09-2010, 09:05 PM
07-09-2010, 08:09 AM
Thanks, that worked. Now, it's waiting for an email?
Any idea if new people are still being invited to beta? What are my chances :)
07-09-2010, 11:14 AM
I have been opted in for beta testing since I activated my account. And not heard anything...
07-09-2010, 11:37 AM
Yeah, the same with me Blinky...
07-09-2010, 01:53 PM
Thanks, that worked. Now, it's waiting for an email?
Any idea if new people are still being invited to beta? What are my chances :)
I've been in all the expansion beta tests and they generally tend to start off small, then after the level cap is implemented (85 was just enabled late last week) and features start to get polished, they tend to send out invites thicker and faster until the population is quite large near the end of beta. This is naturally so they can stress test certain things and see how everything flows with a more realistic sized realm population.
I'd think most people who are opted in but not yet invited have a fair chance of maybe getting a lucky e-mail over the next few weeks.
You'll have to wait and see. :)
Good luck, maybe I'll see you there.
08-09-2010, 09:33 AM
I got in a few days ago, but I'm not using it, as I don't want to spoil it for myself :P
That and my girlfriend might kill me if I did ;)
08-09-2010, 02:01 PM
Hehe. Too bad it's directly attached to the battlenet account, or you could have given your beta to Christa lol.
18-09-2010, 12:16 PM
yup, gave my keys away previous years, but alas ;)
Saw today that I had the Cataclysm beta option so I downloaded the client and tried it out. Created a little goblin mage - Gabbe - and did some low level stuff. Hopefully I can get Erina copied over in a day or so and do some proper heal testing. My new computer rig feels up for the challenge so I can run the game on ultra settings in 1920x1200. Game looks pretty!
Some pictures:
- Gabbe in car with firends ( (me driving ofcourse)
- Dressed for party! (
Really like that streaming download thing they have added. Only needed to download ~1GB of ~17GB to start playing.
05-10-2010, 10:17 AM
checked battlenet just now, and i can at least copy characters over. i'll try again this afternoon to DL the client, see if it works this time.
05-10-2010, 11:25 AM
I have been opted in for beta since the new was released. Still not in the beta:P
06-10-2010, 10:11 AM
Installed beta yesterday, and could log in and everything, so wooptiedoo, i have something to do again! Not playing live much anyway, there's no more reason for me to gear up or stock up as preparation for Cata.
Copied Christa, Hadnor and Zaldor over so far. Had to rename Christa to Christatg, so if anyone wants to chat or group or whatever, you know how to find me. Server is that mekkator thing or whatever it's called.
My installation got frakked up so I had to reinstall it. Then I continued my troll adventures, but something bugged out on the boat so I got stuck there. It did help me notice that I was on the US server though and that my copied characters was on the EU one which was nice. PLayed a bit on Erina (that had to adopt the alias Eriná there), but I can not really say I enjoyed it much. Went to Hyjal to quest a little in shadow spec, but it was just so repetitive - pick up quests, go to the marked places on map, pick up stuff/kill mobs, go back, pick up new quests... Was more fun in the Goblin starter zone with some new things happening like breaking into a bank vault, football, partying and such.
Hopefully its more fun to heal, but I dread to level in healing spec with low damage and crap mana management. Leveling just in dungeons is not really fun either as they stop being that interesting after a few runs and a you miss a lot of lore by skipping the questing part of the game. Not sure what to do really, but I will probably try the Worgen starting zone next.
06-10-2010, 01:30 PM
Both goblin and worgen start areas seem to be bugged and you get stuck once you hand in the last quest of the "first chapter" around level 5. There are ways to work around it posted on forums but I can't be arsed myself tbh. I assume Blizzard will fix it eventually.
07-10-2010, 09:47 AM
Doing Mount Hyjal on Christa atm, got lvl 81,5 yesterday. Indeed, most quests are "kill 10 mobs here, collect 8 items there", pretty basic. Mobs respawn quickly enough so you don't have to fight too much over them. It's nice that dots "tag" the mob even before the first tick hits, so that makes it easier to tag them :). I do think that on a PVP server like Dunemaul, these zones will be gankfest heavens/hells! I fear it'll be impossible to quest there without getting ganked all the time :(
I've run into 1 problem, maybe someone can help. I've went to tailoring trainers to learn new things, but they don't teach me bolt of embercloth! I've learned the thing for increasing the lvl cap, but nothing else really.... My tailoring is 4 points below the old 450 cap, maybe that has something to do with it? But i can't even find the skill when checking for "unavailable" skills/patterns/whatyamacallthem. Wowhead/google doesn't give me any usefull information.
Anyone know what's happening here?
My priest is a 450 tailor and I think I could train a few patterns when I visited the trainer in SW yesterday, cant check from work though. Then I ofcourse got flagged as horde and guards rushed in to kill me.
08-10-2010, 01:47 PM
Ok, so in Cata, there's no more portals. I find this a royal pain in the derriere. Been questing in Mount Hyjal mostly, but for trainers/AH/etc you need to go to a major city. It seems Darnassus actually is the closest nearby. But when you then want to go to IF/SW, you either have to take a boat, or take the Dark Portal portal (they havent removed that... -yet-), and fly from Blasted Lands.
Yesterday i wanted to try out some instances, but you first have to "discover" them. I think in the end it took me 2 hours or so to discover 2 instances, mainly because of travel time and not really knowing where these things are. Pretty frustrating.
One thing i do know: move all your toons out of Dalaran before patch 4 or cata launches, or you'll have to sail them all out, at 15minutes a toon or so! :angry1:
Played a little more this weekend. Did the worgen starter stuff up to lv5 where it bugged out and it was fun that far. I do think the goblin starter things are more fun and varied though.
Continued a little on Eriná and got as far as level 82. Cannot say I enjoy that much and from the crowded level zones on the PvE beta server I suspect it will very troublesome to do them on an inbalanced PvP server at launch. Most quests are the same kill X blabla/collect Y blable, but sometimes they spice it up with something different like climbing trees to rescue baby bears.
The updated zones I have seen so far does not impress me much, but I have not seem the majority of them yet. Maybe you get a better feel for them if you level up from scratch? There are some cases where the phasing of the world messes up with quests and the minimap a bit, but overall I have not seem that many bugs. Travelling is more troublesome than it has been the last two expansions as there basically are no portals anymore except to the Dark Portal in Blasted Lands. They have added some new flight points, but for example the one in Darnassus shoudl be avoided as it is much faster to fly to village instead and run through the teleporter than to spend another 3m on the bird.
So far I have run without any addons and it works alright while leveling as dps at least. Will see if I dare to venture into some dungeons and try out healing in the new (and in my opinion bad) mana starved environment. From what I have seen so far I will not spend my money on this expansion.
11-10-2010, 02:37 PM
Continued a little on Eriná and got as far as level 82. Cannot say I enjoy that much and from the crowded level zones on the PvE beta server I suspect it will very troublesome to do them on an inbalanced PvP server at launch. Most quests are the same kill X blabla/collect Y blable, but sometimes they spice it up with something different like climbing trees to rescue baby bears.
I've almost completed Mount Hyjal on Christa, and yeah, i agree, most quests are "kill x mobs, collect y items". I do, however, like the phased enviroment thing, like we saw in icecrown. Makes it feel all your efforts are actually useful.
I also expect questing on a PVP server will be... painful. But the phasing might help a bit, right? You can't see people that are in a different phase, i think?
Lack of mobs is a problem here and there. I ran into 1 quest where there were just 5-10 ppl all waiting for spawns, and i only ever really saw 2-3 mobs (tagged ofc) at the times i was waiting for them. Went back this morning early, and there was noone around, so that fixed the problem :)
The "waterworld" quest area is a lot more interesting. Still many "kill 10 mobs" quests, but also some alternatives. I got to ride me a SHARK! wootwoot :laughing9:
Will see if I dare to venture into some dungeons and try out healing in the new (and in my opinion bad) mana starved environment.
I've done a few instances, both healing and dps on Christa and tanking on Hadnor (yeah, he's also 82, i'm an altoholic!). So far, i've only seen the Tides thing (waterworld) and the blackrock mountain one. Let me share my experiences.
I've started on Christa as shadow. Nothing much changed here. AOE seems dead, mind sear does shit damage, but multidotting solves that problem. Getting aggro isn't hard, but the mobs dont hit too hard as well, and with a ~40k healthpool and VE healing, i can take a bit of beating.
On the disc spec, firstly i was shocked by the mana cost of flashheal (and suprised that it actually did a lot of healing). This was at lvl 80/81 still, i changed to greater heals and only used flash when absolutely needed. Now i'm 82, both flash and greater cost about 2k mana anyway, so flash becomes more interesting again. No, better say: greater becomes less interesting. It does a bit more healing, but takes longer as well. "Heal" is very cheap but does like.... 4-5k healing or so? So, pretty crap to heal anyone up with that. It also takes ages to cast.
Anyway, enough about spells. I found healing very hard or relatively easy, depending on the group's experience with the instance. There's a LOT of potential damage going around, or should i say AVOIDABLE damage? ;) In non-heroic instances, well geared tanks can get 1-2 shotted again, but only if they don't avoid the damage. Same counts for dps, AKA "dont stand in the fire". You'll see dps get oneshotted, it's not the healers fault. People need to seriously L2P (again or still).
Did some tanking of these 2 instances as well. And let me illustrate that last point: first boss in waterworld tides whatsitcalled: boss does a shockwave thing on the tank. It's a 3sec cast or so, interruptable, so no problem IF you know you should interrupt it. If you don't, it hits for ~40k, while i have about 50k HP at that point. One time though, i got knocked up into the air and then she did her cast. Couldn't interrupt it, noone else did either, and i was too late with shield wall/cast stand --> dead.
2nd boss in the same instance: very easy to get a lot of damage as tank or dps/healer when you're standing in something you shouldnt be. Fights like these either are VERY painful, or VERY easy. Heck, 2 times i pretty much duo'd this boss with a shadowpriest gone healing (healer dead) or no healer at all at around 40% of boss' health.
Some trash in that instance also does a lot of damage, which is easily avoidable. So, as long as people know what to do, healing is fine, if they don't, it's a mess.
Mana starvation isn't really a huge issue, especially when using your cooldowns well (fiend, archangel).
Tanking currently causes a big problem for me in the form of aggro. Maybe it's my low dps weapon (ilvl 232), but lots of dps can pull aggro, mostly single target fights. I'm using taunt a lot :)
Anyway, long story, hopes it helps :)
Phasing have in my experience not only been good in WotLK. For example if you are not riding the quest wave early on it can be hard to find help for group quests that involves phasing later on in the chains. It is not that people are not willing to help - they cant. They do not see you when you enter an from their point of view earlier phase of the world and thus they cannot help you.
And in regards to mana starvation not all specs specs have access to the archangel thing until level 83 and from what I have read most holy priests does not pick it up as you just dont have time to smite in dungeons. The talent that lets smites heal are only available to disc. A holy priest have Holy Consentration to pick up some of the mana regen slack, but for each level I seen my spirit regen dwindle. Its almost a love-hate situation to level up. You know you want to reach the level cap, but each time you ding you see your hit, crit, haste, regen stats go down. Its not always you have fresh better gear in your bags waiting for you to level up that can make up the difference. And to level a healer without dual spec (and a dps spec) outside of dungeons - good luck. It will be slooooow compared to a dps spec at least. Dont really know how tanks fare. Not really a surprise there as most parts of the questing process have always been favoring dps over healing. It is at least a lot smoother than it was back in vanilla and first half of TBC before the spellpower changes.
Im liking the sound of the Dungeons..after reading what you guys say, its nice to know it will be an accomplishment to finish even an non heroic 5 man.
I really have missed the days of working out how to do things or how best to take on a group of mobs. Hooray for no more falling asleep in 5 man bore fests :)
Role on the swearing as we wipe days :)
11-10-2010, 11:40 PM
Role on the swearing as we wipe days :)
Roll on the rage quits in pugs going up by 300% but then at least only the better and more patient players will get the better gear now like it should be
12-10-2010, 01:42 AM
Dual spec is 100g as of 4.0.1. So no excuses for not making a leveling solo spec to use alongside your healing spec. I leveled my Priest to 83 no problems using a Disc spec that relies on the new Evangelism mechanics to get 15% mana back at the end of every fight more or less, and when popping Power Word: Barrier, you are basically immune for damage lol.
I like the whole new feel of certain quest areas like Vashj'ir and Deepholm, as well as some of the Uldum stuff, it's extremely epic and cool how it's all integrated with the old content. I'm also liking the fact that even normal mobs in quest areas can pose some challenge to kill, it got a bit boring in wotlk being able to kill things by just looking at them. It's nice that normal instances pose some challenge, and indeed when I started in beta a lot of random groups ragequit when they couldn't just aoe zerg their way through.
Since it's beta, certain things are always broken in every new build, since they don't bother with quality assurance testing to catch every crappy bug. Some things that worked fine in an old build just suddenly break for no obvious reason some times.
Hope you enjoy and hope to see you around in Cata.
12-10-2010, 09:59 AM
Played on my priest again yesterday. Finished Hyjal, and let me tell you (Erina): the phasing isn't a problem for getting help, because there are no group quests. Everything is soloable, apart from the final quest. I assume everyone that's done that quest will always be able to help latecomers do it as well.
As Rumil said, dual spec really is the awnser for healers/tanks that want to speed things up. And it's nice to queue up as a healer or tank for an instance, because the queues are a lot shorter then :).
Been questing in Deepholm now, it's a freakish place. Had to look up and around a few times (and read the quests) to understand where exactly i was in relation to the Mealstorm.
Did about half a run of the instance there (stonesomething, god i'm good with names!), as healer, and it's intense! Trash is pretty hard, getting adds was generally a wipe or some amazing improvising.
Keeping mana up (no water, no mage:( ) was also a juggling act with Archangel and cooldowns. Getting the hang of healing as disc again, hardly using shields/penance though, mostly healing with greater/flash heal. Haven't ever used barrier yet, i should try it sometimes...
The XP requirements for each level seem odd. Levelling to 81 and 82 was quick, only about 1.7M XP needed. Now, we need 6.5M XP getting to 83 and 84. Wonder if that'll change at live, but 1.7M really is too little.
Also, now in Deepholm, i'm replacing my first ilvl 264 ICC heroic epics with green quest rewards. Always a stange feeling when that happens :sad1:
12-10-2010, 10:38 AM
The first two levels have been kinda short since early beta, it's mostly because they want to allow you to be able to gain those levels by doing only one zone, either Hyjal or Vashjir, since after that there's only Deepholm, Uldum and Twilight Highlands for getting the last three levels. It's a little bit inconsistent, but I guess if they had planned it slightly better there would have been one more zone to cover 81-82, ah well.
14-10-2010, 02:02 PM
Status update: done most of deepholm quests now. At the end, there seem to just be repeatable quests from the earthmother, much like sons of hodir. Haven't done those yet.
Again, there's phasing of the place going on, but it's not a problem, as there are no group quests yet. I wonder why they did that, actually. Everything is soloable, which is fine, but they always implemented group quests before.... ah well.
Tried to do Stonething instance again once or twice. Killed everything except the endboss, which seems to be a fight you really need to learn tactics on. Definitely not your average tank and spank fight.
Again, i like the fact that you can (and will) die/wipe on trash and bosses, even when running in normal mode with toons that are higher then required level. Definitely a huge change from WotLK instances!
One thing that does bother me is the portal thingy: there are portals in Stromwind going to waterworld and deepholm, and even a deepholm portal back to stormwind, but there are no portals from/to Hyjal whatsoever. This is especially crappy for alliance toons, as they'll have to travel a long way to get there. Heck, there doesn't even seem to be an inn in Hyjal, where you can park your toon for rested bonus. Yes, there's an innkeeper, but you don't get rested. :( Or am i wrong?
18-10-2010, 10:54 AM
Ding! Christa is now 85. Did the last few instances over the weekend (all at 83/84), healing them. Those things are INTENSE. Mana was something to keep an eye on all the time, especially because it seems Archangel is bugged (5stack only gave me 3k or so mana, instead of .... lots more). I noticed my mana costs went up another 25% or so dinging 85, so i'll now have serious mana issues. Which isn't all bad, you really just have to rethink healing. No more endless mana.
I'm still a bit unsure which spells to use as disc. I find myself using gr. heal a lot (40-45% of total healing). It seems to do the work well enough. I've now noticed penance is pretty cheap, so will try and use that more when it's off cooldown.
Also been tanking a bit on Hadnor. Stonecore mostly. Found out that you really don't need any CC on trash, as long as you have a somewhat decent group, and are willling to pop cooldowns during those pulls. I never liked tanking around CC anyway :laughing9:. Ow, and now that i've started using HS/Cleave again, i'm normally the top dmg dealer in 5mans, doing anywhere between 3-4k on single target to 8k dps on groups. It's rather insane, and will probably need a nerf.
Some numbers:
highest shield slam crit 25k
highest HS crit 20k or so?
highest Cleave crit 18k or so.
This is at lvl 83, with a lvl 81 required blue 2.6speed weapon.
Sufficient to say i have no problems whatsoever with aggro. :-D
19-10-2010, 02:30 PM
Done a few of the highest instances on Christa again last night. Now that i'm lvl 85, all spells cost a lot more, and healing is a lot harder! Even on some trash pulls, i had to completely spam heal my 72k mana pool dry in a matter of 30 seconds or so! Obviously, more CC will help in this department, but still, sweet mother of god! Archangel is not working properly still, so getting mana back is a matter of timing shadowfiend and Hymn correctly. Also, i'll probably be looking at spirit gear/gems/enchants to increase regen.
Healing, at least at the moment, definitely is a different ballgame compared to WotLK. Don't get me wrong, i love the challange, but people (mainly nonhealers) will have to learn that they don't get healed up quickly if at all, when they take damage. I've been spamhealing the tank at times, just to keep him up, leaving the rest of the party at low health.
Previously, you could heal up a tank from low health to full in 2-3 spells, this is also not the case anymore. Tanks have, lets say, ~100k HP. My greater heals go for 15k noncrit to 25k crit or so. So, it takes a lot of time (and mana, gr. heal is 5.5k mana) to heal someone up again. Definitely very different from WotLK.
Interesting times it will be, when Cata goes live and people start instancing! :)
I remember reading that the idea in Cata is for no one to be at full health , most of the raid will be injured all of the time , even the tanks .
Lots of constant damage and no , nearly dead to full health healing , just a matter of triage, and keepin the tank as high a possible , i like the sound of this, but im sure it will bring on a swearing fit of mammoth proportions when i have to heal on my Priest lol.
And for non healers it's no more standing in stuff and not being worried as ill catch a heal soon ..those days are gone i think :)
Just setting up Clique for my beta priest took a while with all the spells we have as Holy.
Lets see if I can remember them from tactile memory...
MB: PW:Shield
Shift+LB : Renew
Shift+MB : Greater Heal
Shift+RB : Heal
Ctrl+LB : CoH
Ctrl+MB : PoH
Ctrl+RB : FH
Alt+LB : Dispell Magic
Alt+MB : Mass Dispell
Alt+RB : Cure Disease
Shift+Ctrl+LB : Holy Word: Chastice (to get all the different Holy Word spell variants)
Shift+Ctrl+MB : BH
Shift+Ctrl+RB : PoM
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+LB : Divine Hymn
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+MB : Guardian Spirit
Shift + Mousewheel forward : Chakra
Ctrl + Mousewheel backward : Light well
Its worth to note that since my priest is not specced into desperate Prayer and not at level cap yet so she does not have access to Leap of Faith yet so both those healing related spells are not bound yet. Maybe I should bind Shadowfiend and Hymn of Hope to something as well... hmm...
I will probably move some bindings around to make it more "intuitive" later on. Maybe use "mousewheel forward" more for stuff like PoM and Lightwell and "mousewheel back" for Leap of Faith to indicate something like "away from me" and "towards me".
21-10-2010, 09:41 AM
I remember reading that the idea in Cata is for no one to be at full health , most of the raid will be injured all of the time , even the tanks .
Lots of constant damage and no , nearly dead to full health healing , just a matter of triage, and keepin the tank as high a possible , i like the sound of this, but im sure it will bring on a swearing fit of mammoth proportions when i have to heal on my Priest lol.
And for non healers it's no more standing in stuff and not being worried as ill catch a heal soon ..those days are gone i think :)
You are completely right, Leei. At least, at the moment, this is very much the case for 5mans. Triage is the name of the game, i've found myself keeping the tank high enough, keeping myself alive, and then just saving mana for the next heal (/oom), without being able to do any healing on the dps. It's a completely different state of mind people will need to get used to.
I'm sure pushing cooldowns as a tank will also become more pro-active (omg i used that word!), instead of only pushing it once you're already low on health. At least, that's what i normally did :)
Erina, amazing how much you have bound! (and yes, i've known this for longer)
I only play with keys 1-5 or 6 or so, and the rest, i click. I definitely don't use all the spells in my arsenal as well. Things like "heal", which was supposed to make a comeback, seems pretty useless at the moment. The heal is tiny (4k, 6k crit) and slow (2.5sec?). Although i must check the HP/mana ratio on that one, maybe i need to use it more for mana saving reasons. But it seems in 5man, the fights are so quick, that i don't really have 2.5seconds spare time to only push out a 4k heal. HPS just needs to be quicker.
Archangel as disc is still bugged, giving me about 3.2k mana for a 5-stack. Bloody annoying...
Did get myself made on Christa last night, now self buffed at 90k HP, which seems pretty much baseline for anyone at lvl 85.
Ow, and Hadnor dinged 85 too last night. Levelling really doesn't take that long at all :)
I saw that my premade priest character had copied over so I guess I can try some more challenging stuff now. Noticed they had activated further questing for low level worgen so I have done a bit of that.
22-10-2010, 09:41 AM
Are those the premades with full 346 (heroic) gear? I've encountered a few of those. Pretty funny to see someone in that gear without ever seeing any of the normal instances, but ok.
I'm at the 329 level now, so i can start doing heroics. But i won't yet. Still wiping plenty on bosses (and sometimes even trash) in normal 5mans, so i doubt heroics would be a good choice.
I'm sticking to my idea that, if this difficulty will go live, we'll see a LOT of people struggling in 5mans for a long time! :confused2:
23-10-2010, 02:39 PM
And that idea makes me absolutely giddy, Christa!
Are those the premades with full 346 (heroic) gear?
No, ilvl333 blue gear that require lv83. Nothing über fancy.
I have now uninstalled my Cataclysm beta. I have played through the things I wanted to try and I am not really feeling the love. Maybe things will change later on, but for now I will spend my gaming time elsewhere.
04-11-2010, 10:52 PM
Shame :(
I've copied a few premades over today. They are now fully epic geared. Did half a heroic (deadmines actually) on Christa, being disc. Was in a group of all epic/heroic blue premades, but Go%@%$mn! the damage is high! Wiped a few times, on trash mostly.
I'm sticking to my expectations that a lot of people (including me surely!) will really have a hard time gearing up for heroics/raids, if the difficulty stays as it is. I wonder a bit if it will, because Blizz wants to let everyone see the raid content (at least on normal mode). At the moment, i'd say it'll be damn hard even gearing for that (i.e. getting 5man heroic gear).
I really wonder how things will pan out when Cata goes live. The whole mechanics are based on limited healing mana and throughput. Healing surely will be a completely different ballgame. I just hope non-healers will adapt to this as well ;)
05-11-2010, 09:46 AM
By the way, for those that are interested: the haste and crit values at full epic gear were pretty low. I remember something in the order of 10-11% crit and haste in shadowpriest gear, about 4% haste 10% crit in healing gear, and simulair numbers for healing druid gear. It's a big difference from the 30-odd % we have at lvl 80. Didn't have any enchants or gems in yet, but those won't make a huge difference.
I really wonder how things will pan out when Cata goes live. The whole mechanics are based on limited healing mana and throughput. Healing surely will be a completely different ballgame. I just hope non-healers will adapt to this as well ;)
I like the sound of it being hard.. i dont want to be done and bored within a few months with the Heroic 5 mans ...and healing wise , im sure this will be a long over due visit back to when you actually needed , as a tank , to hit those CD's and life savers to help out when things got hot.
I even remember doing a 5 man with Proto, Siana and others that we were working out for a good few hours.
08-11-2010, 05:31 AM
I like the idea of it being harder as well, but I cant see it lasting, because too much of the WoW demographic these days is the 13 year old epic collector that is going to QQ hugely on the forums, and everything will probably get nerfed back after 2-3 months. I think those of us that want a bit of a challenge are going to have to make the most of the time before 4.1
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