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Guild Wars 2
So I've been hearing all kinds of good things about GW2. Things about it being a game-changing mmo in terms of getting rid of the holy trinity of class roles, class abilities changing when you use different weapons, and a whole ton of other stuff. Basically, it's being hyped as the first of a whole new breed of mmos... something that is not just a wow clone, which most mmos post-wow have been up to now.
If you are interested, TotalBiscuit has a cool series of videos about the game out. Everything just looks amazing, and the best part is... there's no subscription, LOL. http://www.guildwars2.com/en/
I agree with every reason in his top 10 list. Especially number 1. This looks faaaantastic.
This is the only MMO I am excited for next year. And probably the only one I will bother to buy and try.
Yeah looks realy nice its a possible Game to try........
And over all its free to play. Anyone know a possible release Date? |
The release date is 'when it's done' atm. It's in closed beta right now, with open beta to follow, but ArenaNet the developer has said they are not releasing the game until they are happy with it and feel they have an amazing polished game.
I like the block and evade system :) who cares about them stats!
Some of our adventures from last weekend's beta event.
I'm playing the Theif profession in this video. Really enjoying the combat mechanics.
Cool - thanks for sharing ;) I've been looking into this as well, mainly with the yogscast videos ;)
What do you like about the combat mechanics? And how is the game engine running (compared to wow)? Just curious :)
GW2 release date announcement & some gameplay footage of me running around on my Thief with two pistols being a badass.
Our WvWvW adventure!
Perhaps my favourite thing about GW2 though is the fact that there is no endgame grind waiting for you at max level. ArenaNet has designed the game in such a way that endgame awesomeness starts the moment you step into their world. Within the first few events you complete you can be involved in a large battle against a giant mob involving however many players happen to be around at the time...maybe ten maybe fifty or more! The levelling process is not just this boring grind you have to go through to get to the real game at max level, the real game starts at level 1. Then, when you are max level and go back to low level zones to help people, it isn't trivial, because you get levelled down to the level of that area, so that you still have fun and don't just obliterate mobs in one go. The fact that there's no endgame, to me, just makes it seem that much more of a free fun experience. You won't feel like you have to grind materials or join a raid group to progress further. There will be difficult challenges available that reward players with gear, but that gear won't be significantly higher powered. It will just look prettier and simply serve as a vanity thing. So there are goals to reach for, it's just that they won't be making you into some significantly player everyone else. I don't think of GW2 as an MMO any more. It's just a really fun multiplayer game in an amazing online world, without a subscription fee. A place where you can log in, go where you want, and just have fun! When it stops being fun, you don't need to keep logging in to grind for gold/mats, you can just stop until more content comes along via expansions and patches. |
A short video I made about the Thief skills available when using dual pistols and shortbow:
A lot of people are somewhat confused about the fact that there is no end-game gear grind in GW2. This chap, Bogotter, is pretty good at explaining all things GW2.
I have two keys for the next Beta Weekend Event that starts on July 20th. The last beta event and the first with all the races unlocked.
http://d.pr/i/voTf http://d.pr/i/ATAL Go here to register them: https://register.guildwars2.com/ |
Blinks! you are the best. I really wanted to see the beta before I commit to buying the game when it comes out and with the code registered I can do just that.
big thanks! |
You're welcome;) I would love to see more TG members play Gw2 as well. Since I won't be getting MoP and I want to play with you people again.
No healer?!
We sat down to chat about the lack of a holy trinity in Guild Wars 2, in response to a community member question.
I admit it, I played this Beta Weekend and I'm hooked.
It's grindless, there is no endgame equipment chase, it's chaotic (but forgiving) in dungeons and the Events are just awesome! There is more than enough to satisfy the collectors, the RPers and the Mario-lovers.. (yeah, those Mario levels are just annoying...) I'll be preordering this definately. P. |
Mario levels?
Also, you collect Points of Interest (map uncovering), Vistas (cut scenes showing the area, and some of them are real BUGGERS to get to), Mario levels, and 'Hearts' (which are a bit like quest hubs where you don't need to collect the quest - you just rock up in an area and start doing stuff).
They have a guild levelling system to allow you to 'build' guild-related perks like guild banks, guild crafting etc. In fact, after heavily playing for the entire weekend, my ONLY bad point was that the Asura (gnomes) can't have pink hair.... Yeah, really - that was the only bad point I came across.. P. |
Explain the Mario levels please :)
"Mario Levels" are sub-zones (like Instances) which are dedicated to testing the players agility.
This is an example of the Asura Jumping Level:
As you can see, it's very arcade-game like, with dodging environmental challenges (like wind and lightning), combined with skill-based actions (like accurate jumping!) and some complete arse things (like having to attune yourself to portals before entering, otherwise you just get ported back to the beginning!) Apparently, there is one of these in each starting zone. |
AHA! Looks like a nice addition, for those with jumping skills. I have laughed a lot in Blackfathom Deeps with LFRguys :D
So, the headstart opened for those who preordered yesterday! We made our home on the Desolation server, and are having a great time even though there are some issues with guild creation, mail and karmapoints. Hopefully those will be fixed soon enough.
Anyone else playing? |
Not sure if I m going to. Still need to level my new server warrior before MoP comes out. I m also a slowpoke with little playtime
A few friends and I rocked up on Gandara - the Mrs kindly allowed me to spend all Saturday playing :P sadly I had to go back to real world and work today, but I've got up to lvl 17 with my elementalist. All seems fun so far, look forward to taking on Desolation in WvWvW very soon!
I Rolled one on desolation (prepurchased, but not really playing).
Maybe i will level up eventually, there is no subscription anyways.. |
After four days of playing, pretty much non-stop apart from sleep, all I can say is that I'm still very impressed. There are niggling bugs - the guild management is pretty broken at the moment, and joining dungeons as a party can be challenging as you can end up in different instances. There have been issues with the login server too. However, for the launch of a major MMO, the majority of things 'just work'. Proto and I have been doing our trademark 'play nonstop through the content'. I'm at about L48 and Proto isn't far behind at around L43. There is SO MUCH to keep you involved in the game, it's pretty unreal. So, it's totally recommended from this camp :) P. |
I'm playing a hunter of course and i actually like this game very much;)
But the alien like chars and the tigers not that much..I must admit playing it on dinsaner's pc made me spoiled..So much better graphics..But allas i just need to buy better upgrades:P So many lovely pets in this game..Gotta catch them all! |
Heya all.
I will buy GW2 monday and join the same server as Blinky. my name will be Minipower and i will start in Asura. can i join your gang/guild Blinky. :blob8: Regards Mini. |
Just whisper Blinksy, Robskiwarrior, Mrs Bongo, Mohtas or Pharason to get an invite;)
Am I right in thinking you don't need to be on the same world to be in a guild?
I think you have too, but you have free transfers. although my toons were still low. I clicked a button and 5 minutes later I was migrated and could whisper blinky for an invite.
You can be on different servers I think. And you can also join more than one guild. But you can only represent one at a time.
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