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Hello all
Another dane on the board!, just started on your server today and working my way up.. lvl 11 rogue atm. One of your warriors is a danish friend from work, so i told him that id try and create a char on the server and see how it would go :) Been playing on and off from Final beta and have a few chars on Dragonblight server, but most of the friends i had have quit so i thought id give this a chance :) Hope to hear and see much to you guys and keep up the good work! /Wave |
Hi Caranin, I hope you enjoy Dunemaul ;)
Hey Neenee!
Yeah i like it alot so far :) been playing alot during the daytime and atm gone from 1 to 18, ill keep up the questing and grinding for abit to get to the fun lvls ;) |
Hi there Caranin, i hope you have lots of fun on Dunemaul.
good to hear :) it seems the others are a bit quite at the moment,
they're probably busy with soccer/football or some instance. |
Welcome and enjoy ! :)
Hi there Caranin, nice of you to pop by :)
Have you ever thought about playing a Druid? Everyone loves a Druid ;) |
Hey and thanks for the replys people :)
Hmm i can try and make a druid.. not sure how easy they are to lvl up.. anyone know ?.. really dont wanna get stuck in the lower lvls for long :) |
If you go feral druids are not hard to level. At lvl 40 or so maybe you can respec resto, but it can be a bit difficult to get instances sometimes even as a healer, and it will cut down your soloing ability a lot.
Ok right now im almost lvl 8.. started 2 hours ago...so feral is the way to go for faster leveling ? i can always respec at a later time.. right now i just want the fastest way to lvl up hehe.
:lol: Sorry I wasn't saying you must roll a Druid but it's great you have. I hope you enjoy it, if not play whatever you enjoy. I've noticed that all guilds seem to be short of Druids at present (including us), so if you fancy going for endgame content, you'll probably have more luck with a Druid than with a Rogue.
Hehe well it was good that you did.. cause i have not been thinking about a druid much in the past... but so far its a blast to play and if im lucky ill get him up fast and yeah i do wanna raid endgame :)
Feral is definately the best way to level, you might want to spend at least one point in natures grasp as that is really useful too.
For soloing it is starfire, moonfire, bear (or cat) kill normally. The cool thing about druids is they are really adaptable and you are a mini warrior or mini rogue (from lvl 20) as well as a healer. The weakest part is the direct damage spells as they are not very mana efficient at all. To raid at the end you will proabably have to respec resto, which will cut down your ability to solo stuff quite a bit. And yes there is a definate shortage of druids on the server (and in our guild) so it is a good way to get to raid if you enjoy the class. The biggest weakness is that in the endgame you become only a healer again, and are probably a worse healer than a preist. But because of the way the spells work together a druid and preist is better than 2xPreist in terms of healing raids. |
Thanks alot for the replys all :)
Atm im almost lvl 12 and can say.. druid is so cool.. i sure wanna game this one up and hopefully join you guys :) Can anyone tell me what proffesion would be good for a druid? i know some have leatherwork and others herbalism..but not sure what would fit well with a druid. (and i hope i dont ask to much, but it seems like a nice bunch of people whos willing to reply here :) |
lvl 21 now and still kicking butt :), took alchemy and herbalism to help with more buffs on the way... should hit 22/23 today.
This is the only guild i wanna join, cause Darkin is in it ;) so thats the reason for i only post here and ofcause to make some nice new friends :). |
Nice and fast progress u have there. If u need any help with a quest or something then just whisper me. If i have some time i will help u out.
ding 24 :).. cool ill add ya to friendslist :)
found out that i can xp grind ironbands excavation in 7 mins and get 2k+ xp so i just went through lvl 23 to 24 fast hehe. |
Druids are by far and away the best class. Sure we might not be the best damage dealers. Or the best tanks. Or healers. And we don't have very powerful spells. Or interupts. Or heals. But we are excellent at....umm.... I mean no other class can..... And we're absolutely cruical at the....fight against....in the...instance....
But at least we're the best class. :P |
inervate please :twisted: |
Hehe Cauthon :), well its fun and i do see a druid being versatile and fun to play.
20k to lvl 28.. gonna be tomorrow.. right now ive killed so many raptors that i will be dreaming and waking up hearing them in my sleep ;) |
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