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BF3 Beta Starts Tomorrow! :D
It's fully open tomorrow. Come and join us if you are up for some fun!
TS3: Password: chunky
i got it,i got it. so excited, fun fun fun!
Quick question: does BF3 run on an Nvidia 6800gts? It seems to me that this card doesnt support DirectX 10 or 11, and that BF3 doesn't go lower then that.... But then i saw somewhere that Nvidia made special BF3 drivers which DID support the 6 series.....
i r confused. Can anyone help before i buy a game that requires me to then by a new card as well? Edit: actually, i might have an 8600GTS... god, i don't know really. I'll check when i'm back home again. 8 series at least does do DX10. |
You probably have a 8600GTS, and that will run the game. But I am not sure how well it will run. Allthough I managed to get the alpha running on my laptop this summer.
Actually, i've got an 8800gts. Installing the game as i type... hope the performance will at least be playable. Otherwise it'll be upgrade time, which will be a bit expensive for only 1 game.
Add Blinksy as a friend on Battlelog or origin then:)
Well, so far this blows. I've installed Origin and BF3. But it won't start. When starting (either from Origin or the desktop shortcut), i get an error in Origin saying "We're sorry, an error has occurred. There is a problem with your game's setup. Please reinstall your game."
I've reinstalled, doesn't matter. Repairing causes some 40Mb or so addition to be downloaded, but doesn't solve the issue as well. DirectX is 10.1. Latest nVidia drivers. This blows..... anyone got ideas? |
You need to launch it from battlelog I think.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/ |
I hope i've found the sollution, which should be this:
http://www.landofjacks.com/forum/vie...=81&p=115#p115 A lot of ppl saying that fixed their problem. Lets see if it does for me as well... after the 3rd time installation is finished... |
Well, it's past the point where it used to stop now. Lets see where the next bear on the road is...
Edit: ok, it's clear my hardware is the next breakpoint. I'll go shopping for a new vidcard or even entire PC i guess. Game graphics look awesome! |
New videocard, and now it's working well. Busy with the campaign, it's a bit of an audio-visual spectacle :)
The singleplayer is ok, but it tries too hard to be Modern Warfare. But it certainly looks and sounds awesome. But it is in the multiplayer the fun is:D
Well, done a bit of random queueing and tbh, i really don't know what the goals are most of the time.
This game apparently is ALL about MP. In the BF2 demo i downloaded a week ago you could at least play versus computer, but here you can't? I understand PVP is more fun, but i havent played a shooter since unreal tournament. So i havent got the slightest idea what the fuck im doing, where to do, what to use, where the enemy is, etc etc. Heck, most of the times i just die without ever having even SEEN any of the people shooting me. This game really seems to assume the players have played all shooters before this one. There is NO manual, i haven't found ANY real explaination on all the insides in the game. Maybe you can point me to a guide or something? This whole experience is getting boring fast. :( |
I think there's a manual if you click the "i" next to the game in origin. Then there's a manual button, I think it downloads it from somewhere. Not sure if its just the controls or if it has details about the game modes
I did find some 20page pdf manual thingy, but that only told me which kind of game modes there are, and some buttons. Not very helpful, because you can find those ingame (options) as well. |
What do you want to know then? :)
Well, only now i managed to find out how to use accessories on weapons...
Meh, i just don't know. Getting killed within a second after spawn doesn't really make me say "yay, awesome game!" I guess ill play it a bit more and see if it's worth the extra videocard. I can return that within a week at least. |
I understand that it is frustrating to die quickly when you have no idea what happens.
I would suggest that you spawn on the starting spawnpoints, not the ones you capture in Conquest. You should be safe at those locations and have time to figure out where to go. A really important part of Battlefield is the spotting. You do that by looking at enemies and pressing "Q". That marks the enemy with an orange triangle above their head that all of your team can see. This is extremely helpful. I would also suggest to start playing as support or assault. Then you can get points for resupplying or healing and resurrecting. |
Thanks. Yes, i've figured out the enemy sometimes is shown on the minimap.
And so far, i'm playing assault mostly. One other problem i've got is that the game sometimes doesn't start a new round.... it just stays black with only mouse cursor showing. Then it's crtl alt del to get out of that, pretty annoying. Hope it's a bug they're fixing. I'm slowly learning a few of the maps and getting a bit better in spotting enemies at least... |
Yes, the game crashes now and again for me as well. That is very annoying. Make sure you have updated punkbuster though. That might cause some issues as well.
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3...4773952043053/ |
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