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Flipper 24-10-2012 06:11 PM

Welcome to The Garrison Visitor Centre!
Hello and welcome to The Garrison.

You have found your way to our public forum where you can say Hi, tell us what you think of us or ask any questions you may have for Garrison members.

The Garrison came about following a split of 'The Old Garrison', A guild which was part of The Older Gamers network. Age is something we bought to the new Garrison and most of our members will be over 25, we have accepted people from the age of 18 who made exceptional applications. The Old Garrison was by far the largest guild on Dunemaul, and The Garrison took the majority of old garrison members to the new guild.

In 2012 we finally decided that Dunemaul had too low a population and that it was time for a move to Aggramar! I am pleased to say that the vast majority of Dunemaul TGers made the move to our new home!

Our Guild leader is Cauthon and we have captains Darkin, Flipper and Susanna who will always be happy to discuss anything related to The Garrison (as will any of the officers or any member I am sure).

We raid and PvP but make no expectations of our members. Real life is Number 1, but we don't believe this should have to restrict you from having successful raids.

So relax, make yourself at home and feel free to have a natter with the friendliest guild on Aggramar.

In case you need to talk to one of our officers, below is our guild management structure - feel free to contact anyone from that list, anytime, about anything

Guild Leader:
  • Cauth - alts: Alvere

  • Darkins - alts: Thodar, Darkinian
  • Flipperr - alts: Hoisan, Evilflipper, Flippdot, Flípp, Flippleaf, Flippblast, Flippspirit
  • Soosie - alts: Groblast, Susieq, Groaker, Grocruel

  • Astároth - Adriá, Aleksiá, Annabellá, Grillko, Lillmissy, Mariá, Ronon, Sokár, Xiao, Ástároth
  • Donqualine - alts: Donjitsu, Donafflict, Doncales, Doncise, Doncadach
  • Erěna
  • Liandri - alts: Bolte, Notbatman
  • Rudrig - alts: Kixxie, Verlonn, Xavith
  • Sashumi - alts: Wolvish, Raviss, Visjor
  • Wilbor - alts: Wladimyr, Wendhy, Whoppy, Whalla, Wonders

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