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Minipower 17-11-2014 08:16 PM

Mini!!! install WoW again :P
Hey all.
I'm Back for more fun:wave:
Are the guild still on Dunemaul? or...
what is the Add/pasword on TS??
want to say helloooo!!!

Regards Minipower

Christa 17-11-2014 08:33 PM

Im sure telling passwords on the public part of the forums is not something we want to do. Don't you have access to the rest of the forums anymore?

Anyway, we're on Aggramar for a while now. If you want a /g invite, talk to an officer. I'm sure someone could also give you back forum priviliges.

Ow, and HELLO! :)

Denomay 18-11-2014 10:03 AM

Hi Mini! As Christa said...we're on Aggramar these days. Hope to see you there!

anna 18-11-2014 03:04 PM

welcome back mini !!!

hug from anna

solaria 18-11-2014 05:31 PM


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