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Iwy 15-01-2017 01:35 PM

New Recruit
1. Something about you:
How old are you?47 years
What country are you from?: Sweden
What is your RL occupation?: Electrican
Apply for social / raider or pvp'er?:Raider and my warcry is geronimo
Are you interested in raiding?: Yes
2. Some information about your character
Character Name: Iwy
Character Class: Druid
Character Level: 110
Current main spec (and offspec):Boomkin/Healer/guardian
Armory Link:
Do you have any alts?: Iwylin Hunter, Iwyi Paladin
Do you PVP?:No
3. Game experience (only if you are interested in raiding)
Raiding experience in Mists: Yes i have been raiding on hc lvl at all expansions
Raiding experience prior to Mists: Yes i have been raiding since molten core
Do you have any PvP experience?: Very little
4. Your gaming past
What guilds have you been in the past?:Wings of icarus
Why did you leave?: They moved the guild
5. About TG
Do you know anyone in The Garrison?: Yes / Elyora and Kuroki
How did you learn about TG?:From my friend
6. Other stuffs
What was the first computer game you ever played and on which machine - what was your favourite part?: Tennis 1979
What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still like the band/singer? What are you listening to now?: Am sailing with rod stewart 1976, i still listening on him
Do you have spouse/kids/pets?:2 kids My and Matilda
Do you have any others hobbies besides WoW? : Going on festivals and cooking and meet friends
Tell us anything interesting about yourself that isn't related to WoW. : I can tell were there is energy fields with 2 ironsticks and find water with a wood Branch
How do you like your coffee?: with milk
Why do you play WoW? : I like to play games with others and have fun
What is your favourite WoW item? : My new fishing rod

hlx 15-01-2017 01:47 PM

hi and thanks for applying to TG
the guild will now vote on the application and we will get back to you here in a few days time (usually 2)

good luck!

hlx 17-01-2017 10:20 AM

the guild has voted and you are in. whisper any officer for an invite.
welcome to TG :)

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