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Hollow 27-01-2017 12:40 AM

Application: Eternalwhisp

1. Something about you
How old are you?
I am 23 years old.
What country are you from?
What is your RL occupation?
I am a postgraduate and Door Supervisor.
Apply for social / raider or pvp'er?
Are you interested in raiding?
2. Some information about your character
Character Name: Eternalwhisp
Character Class: Druid
Character Level:110
Current main spec (and offspec): Feral, Guardian, Resto, Boomkin (order of specs)
Armory Link:
Do you have any alts?
Too many to list, above level 100 I have a DK, Paladin, Warrior, DH and Rogue
Do you PVP?
Occasionally, I'll have a go at battlegrounds and arenas when the event is on.
3. Game experience (only if you are interested in raiding)
Raiding experience in Mists?
I'm going to take this as Legion. My experience in Legion was clearing EN normal 7/7 in the first week, Heroic in the second week and then having a couple of mythic kills before real life issues taking me away from the game in November. I've killed one boss in ToV Heroic but only raided it once during the week it was released.
Raiding experience prior to Mists
I raided casually in TBC, Heroic up to LK 25 in ICC in Wrath, Heroic and Normal in Cata up to Dragon Soul, a very minor amount in Mists and came back in late WoD to raid Heroic HFC.
Do you have any PvP experience?
Very casual.
4. Your gaming past
What guilds have you been in the past?
Immortal Guardians and Mythic Seagul Patrol were my two latest guilds.
Why did you leave?
I left Immortal Guardians as I wanted to try progressing Mythic raiding (This was a terrible idea) and was accepted into MSP. This was fine for awhile but I found myself unable to keep up with the demands of that guild, being pressured into playing to constantly run dungeons outside of raids, farm mats and to create flasks and potions for the guild. Raids were such an intense environment that there was absolutely no fun to it and it sent my anxiety through the roof. I was trying to balance this with a Master's degree and two part time jobs, while also setting aside time to spend with my partner. It made me sick and I told the guild leader that I wasn't coming to raids because of how exhausted it was making me and he said I wasn't dedicated to the guild and demoted me.

I took a break and after talking to my girlfriend I decided that if I wanted to enjoy World of Warcraft I should do it on a fairly casual basis raiding no more than a couple of nights a week at a pace which respected my real life commitments.
5. About TG
Do you know anyone in The Garrison?
I do not!
How did you learn about TG?
I saw the post on the official forums and thought that the guild might suit my needs as a relaxed, friendly place to raid.
6. Other stuffs
What was the first computer game you ever played and on which machine - what was your favourite part?
Crash Bandicoot 2 on the PS1. My favourite bit was probably doing the case levels where you had to ride a little polar bear and slide on the ice. I'm looking forward to the remake later this year!
What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still like the band/singer? What are you listening to now?
I'm honestly not sure, maybe a Johnny Cash best of? I still listen to him occasionally. These days I tend to listen to a bit of folk music combined with relatively mainstream stuff off youtube.
Do you have spouse/kids/pets?
Yes, no, no. I live in Brighton with my wonderful girlfriend, we hope to avoid kids but get a doggy at some point.
Do you have any others hobbies besides WoW?
There isn't too much time for hobbies in my life at the moment, I used to play rugby for my university team. I'm hoping to get back into model painting (warhammer and stuff) at some point if I have the time.
Tell us anything interesting about yourself that isn't related to WoW.
I'm writing my MA Dissertation on the Architecture of fantasy worlds in 17th century literature.
How do you like your coffee?
Why do you play WoW?
When I first played it seemed like a world of endless possibilities, then I found that the end game was really enjoyable as well. I liked the sense of progressing my character. I suppose it's the same now, I like the sense of progression and enjoy the art, environment and encounter designs. Most stories end, I like that WoW never "finishes".
What is your favourite WoW item?
Oh gosh. Maybe my icebound vanquisher, it was such an achievement at the time and still looks good to this day.

hlx 27-01-2017 01:20 AM

hi and thanks for applying to TG
the guild will now vote on the application and we will get back to you here in a few days time (usually 2)

good luck!

hlx 29-01-2017 12:12 AM

I'm pleased to inform you that your application has been successful. Please whisper myself or any officer for an invite.

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