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Recruitment Application - Shellytonsi
1. Something about you
- How old are you?: 19 - What country are you from?: UK - What is your RL occupation?: Unemployed - Apply for Social /raider or pvp'er?: Social/Raider - Are you interested in raiding?: Yep. 2. Some information about your character - Character Name: Shellytonsi - Character Class: Druid - Character Level: 110 - Current main spec: Restoration (But applying to raiding with my Balance off-spec.) -Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...lytonsi/simple - Do you have any Alts?: Demon Hunter 110, and some other classes im leveling. Im new to the realm. - Do you PVP? Yes, sometimes. 3. Game experience (Only if interested in raiding) - Raiding experience in Mists: Ive raided full time in MoP as DPS on my DK. - I also raided full-time in Cataclsym and partially in WoD. - Do you have any PvP experience?: Average experience. 4. Your gaming past - What guilds have you been in the past? I cannot put my finger on the names in previous expansions. However, for this expansion on this realm specifically, i have been in Horde Hunterz as a healer. - Why did you leave?: I was removed. In short, i decided i didnt want to be friends with certain people in the guild, but i would happily raid with the guild as a whole and progress. However, the raid leader assumed complications would arrise, and decided tot remove me. In short, i felt like i've been back-stabbed. Not to mention it was those who i didn't want to be friends with, who bothered and attacked me verbally, not the other way around. 5. About TG - Do you know anyone in The Garrison?: I do not, but i hope i make new friends! - How did you learn about TG?: The recruitment post on the forums. 6. Other stuffs - What was the first computer game you ever played and on which machine - what was your favourite part?: I played Command and Conquer with my dad on a Laptop for the first time, and i enjoyed the strategy part of the game. - What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still like the band/singer? What are you listening to now?: The first one i ever bought was Kaiser Chiefs, and i dont listen to them much anymore to tell if i still like them. However, the music i listen to is all-around, meaning i dont mind what i listen to. -Do you have spouse/kids/pets?: I dont, however i did use to have a cat. -Do you have any other hobbies besides WoW?: If im being honest, and it does sound... quite sad to some people - but i do Roleplay on certain games, i find enjoyment in different characters and different stories people have made. I also try to rank up on LoL. - Tell us anything interesting about yourself that isn't related to WoW: I dont really have anything that makes me interesting, unless you count my Dyspraxia and ASD interesting. :P - How do you like your coffee?: I rarely drink it. - Why do you play WoW?: Well, my original reason was to roleplay, but since then i also enjoy progressing through raids and content, enjoying it all. - What is your favourite WoW item? Cookie's Tenderizer. |
hi and thanks for applying to TG
the guild will now vote on the application and we will get back to you here in a few days time (usually 2) good luck! |
The guild has voted on your application, but sadly you didn't get the majority needed.
We wish you all the best in World of Warcraft. |
Not a problem, it was worth a shot. Good luck to you all. :)
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