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Cad 24-01-2007 12:57 AM

Hello Peeps!
Hello to all you peeps in The Garrison.

Looking at your expoits it seems you are doing rather well for a bunch of oldies! You're downing beasties I'd never even heard of during my time in TOG.

Not looking to join, or even start playing WoW again... just wanted to say Hi and give you all a big thumbs up (except Ulloh of course... who still smells of wee ;)).

Maznafein 24-01-2007 04:14 PM

Ulloh no longer smells of wee, but he does smell of a particularly nasty fungus, as he's gently decaying on the Horde-side. He decided to leave the Garrison and roll a horde character, and is now making our lives equally difficult, and fun, by pwning us in various battlegrounds. :)

Spiiral 25-01-2007 09:45 AM

Hi Cad
Nice to hear from a old time fellow Gnome :)

Hope all is well out there in the real world!

Kind regards

Ziionne (or Spiiral, as you may remember me ;))

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