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Tiddies 18-04-2007 02:02 AM

Heya All
Just a little post to say Heya to all those that remember me - Tiddies :)

Nice to see that you are all doing well and are still around going strong.

As you can see from my sig I rerolled - still have my alliance account its just not active at the mo

Big hugs to all

Knowyou 18-04-2007 02:57 AM

Hi! See you quite often in the scryer bank:D.

People always look strange to me if i recieve kisses and hugs from a undead but what do i care:D.

Nice to see you here:D. Cya around either here or in game.

davethecake 18-04-2007 03:44 AM

Ohhh nice i can still remember my first MCs with the druid Tiddies in The *Old* Garrison...never noticed the UD one...will keep my eyes open :)

hehe always nice to hear a friendly hello from old members :)

Spiiral 18-04-2007 10:35 AM

Nice to hear from you Tids, hope you're well & still keeping Santa under control ;)

neenee 18-04-2007 11:06 AM

Hi Tiddies ;) I hope you two are well :)

Say hi to Bratack. And hmm. I still have to visit sometime.

Gramps 18-04-2007 11:07 AM

Hey Tidds .. hope life is treating you well.

Etux 18-04-2007 01:06 PM

titties? ;)

/dance /hug /kiss

ullo :occasion9:

Ronaldoo 18-04-2007 01:13 PM

Etux will never change :D

Anyways nice to still see you ingame tiddies.. although now i have to kill you :D

Red = Dead... but most of the times it's the other way around

i hate imbah paladin dps :D

Ulloh 18-04-2007 05:36 PM

Hey there Tiddies

FWE eh?

Might have to log on Ullohshadows at some point and see whats happening on Dunemaul these days

davethecake 18-04-2007 06:55 PM

Ohhh hey ulloh as well ;)

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