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Nuunar 20-11-2007 01:36 PM

Who said you were old...? - ME!
Hehe... what a familiar scenery. To browse into this long forgotten forum of even longer forgotten online friends.

How are you all!?

I hope you are still enjoying the special Garrison atmosphere and cozyness - well, I see many familiar names on the forums posts, so of course you are still here!

How could I ever doubt it.

Well - I am still enjoying life, also the life outside WOW - yes, there is one :-)

My prolonged break is still in effect.. who knows.. our paths may cross once again. At the moment I am enjoying life with my family - three young kids now and a busy job as well, so not the best combo with a demanding online game to concentrate on as well.

As it is I am playing the not-so-demaning online game Travian, where you can play, when you have time - and your little lemmings and cities suit themselves more or less, until you next have time to log on. Danish server 2 btw.

Anyway - all the best once again - I have enjoyed my best gaming experiences with you - special thanks go out to the old people from Guild of the Elderly - Cauthon, Zeng(h)i, Siana, Ron, Solaria, Dufva - as well as the also many familiar faces of the Garrison of the early days - Pharazon, Proto, Erina, Christa, Flipper, Dinsane, Tane, Hakon, Angro, that I see are all still active. And of course Ezi and Bewulf and the rest of the 2nd best mages :-))

And... well... I know - I forgot some, but let's face it - I am getting old as well.

PS: Found an old but interesting topic, while briefly browsing the forum... Healing in raids and why people die... hmm.. maybe I should have read that a year ago.

Take care - Nuunar

dinsane 20-11-2007 02:01 PM

Good to hear from you mate :)

Angro 20-11-2007 05:23 PM

/wave :D

Have you heard of sleeping pills? They're quite handy for wife and kids sometimes.

Christa 20-11-2007 05:34 PM

Hi Nuunar, nice to hear from you again. Yup, most of us are still here, enjoying ourselfs. Well, most of the time at least. :-)
And dont worry, the mages still die most of the fights. It's in their nature.

Zenghi 20-11-2007 05:49 PM

NUUUUNAR!! Hello! Lovely to hear from you - glad all's going well. I would like to say that now I am a healer there is less dying in raids, but Ron will tell you that he still seems to spend a great deal of time ressing me...

AnachromY 20-11-2007 06:41 PM

As per Yeva, people are actually Res'ing Ron too now!

Ronaldoo 20-11-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by AnachromY (Post 74490)
As per Yeva, people are actually Res'ing Ron too now!

That's a photoshop fake ;-)

And nice to hear you are doing well :)

Dufva 20-11-2007 08:02 PM

Nuunar! Great to see you again! Now that the mages aren't vending machines anymore maybe it's time to come back? Making a portal is way less time consuming than making water and bread in stacks, it will cut your playing time by half or even more :p

Tarporceress 20-11-2007 08:54 PM

Greetings from one of the older mages - good to hear you are enjoying your RL :D

Herakles 20-11-2007 08:58 PM

Hi there Nuunar :D

Good to get an update from an old GotE...

Glad your family and RL is going so well, I am juggling two kids and work myself, and still find time to play now and again :D

Nuunar 21-11-2007 12:45 PM

Great to hear from you again all of you - damnit Herakles, knew there was someone I forgot! And there'll be more I bet.

Hmm mages are not water machine anymore - then there IS a God!!

I will be considering that Dufva - miss your shitty talk :-)

Siana 21-11-2007 12:55 PM

Hey Nuunar, good to hear from you!

You should definitely drop in again, if only to 'enjoy' the sophisticated banter :p

davethecake 21-11-2007 07:13 PM

hey nuunar glad to hear you are doin fine out there :)

btw ezi and knowyou are only 3rd best mages after you and me now *ducks*

rerolled to also shoot big fireballs :)

best wishes dave

Nuunar 22-11-2007 06:32 PM

hehe hiya Siana and Dave.

Yeah... hmm.. well... it is tempting with the sophisticated babbling from Zengi, Dufa and similar twisted personalities and all.... I miss that and certain parts of the gameplay for sure... but not bonds that rosters and schedules put on your shoulders... - while at the same time wanting to be a part of it every day! If only I had time for all that there was a possibility, but not as it is now.

But thanks anyway - and I think there is a genuine chance that I will again some day want to be a part of the Garrison online. Truly a fantastic and magnificent online place to be for sure.

And I can only agree with you Dave - fire mages DO have more fun) ..oh wait I never tried anything else..

All the best.

Edoriin 26-11-2007 09:38 PM

Ohh, hello Nuunar :D
Ahh, lovely to see that you are still alive ;) The Danish life can be hard sometimes!!! Especially if you live near Nørrebro ;)

Have fun irl. We had a break from wow, but after the lovely summer, we had to do something about those dark, winther nights ;) (And we can't cuddle up all the time *jezzz*)

You are always welcome to pop by for some cake if you are ever close to Bornholm - Rønne ;)

Hug from Edoriin and Theodore

Bewulf 26-11-2007 09:56 PM

Hello Nuunar! It is a bit lonely without you here, I had to switch to fire just to make due :) Dave tries to fake it but we all know you are the only real flame thrower.

It looks two children is the max you can have to be able to play a mage. Say hello to your family from me and have fun in the "RL".

solaria 04-12-2007 12:13 AM

Its good to hear from you i'm glad all goes well:D
big hugg from sollie;)

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