Thread: Greetings TG
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Old 14-06-2010   #1
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Default Greetings TG

Hello. Hadn't posted in a while (lol!) so thought I would drop by and say hello.

Also wanted to say there's no hard feelings from me about my quick departure from the guild last month, even though those of you who I have stayed in touch with (Thereyna, Nacht, Kivi etc) already knew that. I just quickly came to the conclusion it wasn't going to work out for me to stay in your guild in the long term, and didn't want to make a big deal out of it. So yeah, nothing personal against anyone, just a few too many conflicting ideas about, well... everything rofl.

I also just wanna ask... I hope it's ok that I log onto your TS regularly, because I do still play with a number of your members in 10 man. I mean, yeah, I've sort of just been logging on there as usual, but I hope I'm not stepping on any toes or causing someone to foam at the mouth with rage. Hope it's ok anyway. If not, then... /shrug.

One other thing: Joxy. I think that was the name of the lock, which ceased to exist on the armory about ten mins after whispering me. I don't know who was behind that but I'd like to know, if only because it's one of those little details that's bugging me in it's own tiny little way lol. I'm not saying that it was definately some TG member, but it just seems that way when it happened within an hour of my leaving. If you read this 'Joxy' then please just man up and say whatever you've got to say directly to me, cause I won't take seriously what someone says to me from some secret alt that gets deleted after five mins.

Anyway. That's all... Wishing you all good luck in your future adventures and hope to cross paths with some of you in Azeroth in the near future.

Have Fun.


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