
I've copied a few premades over today. They are now fully epic geared. Did half a heroic (deadmines actually) on Christa, being disc. Was in a group of all epic/heroic blue premades, but Go%@%$mn! the damage is high! Wiped a few times, on trash mostly.
I'm sticking to my expectations that a lot of people (including me surely!) will really have a hard time gearing up for heroics/raids, if the difficulty stays as it is. I wonder a bit if it will, because Blizz wants to let everyone see the raid content (at least on normal mode). At the moment, i'd say it'll be damn hard even gearing for that (i.e. getting 5man heroic gear).
I really wonder how things will pan out when Cata goes live. The whole mechanics are based on limited healing mana and throughput. Healing surely will be a completely different ballgame. I just hope non-healers will adapt to this as well