By the way, for those that are interested: the haste and crit values at full epic gear were pretty low. I remember something in the order of 10-11% crit and haste in shadowpriest gear, about 4% haste 10% crit in healing gear, and simulair numbers for healing druid gear. It's a big difference from the 30-odd % we have at lvl 80. Didn't have any enchants or gems in yet, but those won't make a huge difference.
Christa Priest 100 Shadowbitch  / Disc
Hadnor Warrior 90 / Mandred Deathknight 90 / Yulivee Shaman 90 / Zaldor Druid 90 / Evert Paladin 90 / Margi Mage 90 / Oliva Hunter 90 / Bral Rogue 90 / Locks Warlock 90