Thread: Guild Wars 2
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Old 23-12-2011   #1
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Default Guild Wars 2

So I've been hearing all kinds of good things about GW2. Things about it being a game-changing mmo in terms of getting rid of the holy trinity of class roles, class abilities changing when you use different weapons, and a whole ton of other stuff. Basically, it's being hyped as the first of a whole new breed of mmos... something that is not just a wow clone, which most mmos post-wow have been up to now.

If you are interested, TotalBiscuit has a cool series of videos about the game out. Everything just looks amazing, and the best part is... there's no subscription, LOL.

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Multiplayer shenanigans with a side order of smut!

Last edited by Spooks; 23-12-2011 at 03:13 AM.
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