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Old 22-09-2006   #2

There's more to come!
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Slough, UK
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Hey man!

Yeah, I'm still the boss.. and yeah Ginger is PVP crazy - both him and Grysygonth are currently Rank 13 going for GM and apparently "The Garrison" PVP team are feared across our whole battle group!

We're currently working our way through AQ40 - up to Huhuran now and I have a feeling she'll be going down to us shortly. Haven't touched Naxx yet, but as soon as the twins go down, we'll start looking.

We're now doing BWL in a one-night clear (which is handy - I need a 5 hour Vael->Neffie run ) and still plugging away at MC and Onyxia quite happily.

I think we're currently ranked 6th or 7th on Dunemaul in terms of progress - not bad for a bunch of old farts!

Gratz on the pending new character! Any thoughts on what race or class it will be?

Great to hear from you - feel free to drop in any time and post!

Don't piss me off. Seriously..
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