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Old 12-10-2010   #36
Mad Pulling Priest

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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: boerengat, The Netherlands
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Played on my priest again yesterday. Finished Hyjal, and let me tell you (Erina): the phasing isn't a problem for getting help, because there are no group quests. Everything is soloable, apart from the final quest. I assume everyone that's done that quest will always be able to help latecomers do it as well.
As Rumil said, dual spec really is the awnser for healers/tanks that want to speed things up. And it's nice to queue up as a healer or tank for an instance, because the queues are a lot shorter then .

Been questing in Deepholm now, it's a freakish place. Had to look up and around a few times (and read the quests) to understand where exactly i was in relation to the Mealstorm.
Did about half a run of the instance there (stonesomething, god i'm good with names!), as healer, and it's intense! Trash is pretty hard, getting adds was generally a wipe or some amazing improvising.
Keeping mana up (no water, no mage ) was also a juggling act with Archangel and cooldowns. Getting the hang of healing as disc again, hardly using shields/penance though, mostly healing with greater/flash heal. Haven't ever used barrier yet, i should try it sometimes...

The XP requirements for each level seem odd. Levelling to 81 and 82 was quick, only about 1.7M XP needed. Now, we need 6.5M XP getting to 83 and 84. Wonder if that'll change at live, but 1.7M really is too little.
Also, now in Deepholm, i'm replacing my first ilvl 264 ICC heroic epics with green quest rewards. Always a stange feeling when that happens
Christa Priest 100 Shadowbitch / Disc
Hadnor Warrior 90 / Mandred Deathknight 90 / Yulivee Shaman 90 / Zaldor Druid 90 / Evert Paladin 90 / Margi Mage 90 / Oliva Hunter 90 / Bral Rogue 90 / Locks Warlock 90
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