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Old 27-01-2017   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2017
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Default Guild Application Xol

1. Something about you

How old are you?

What country are you from?
The Netherlands

What is your RL occupation?

Apply for social / raider or pvp'er?

Are you interested in raiding?
Main reason I play wow

2. Some information about your character

Character Name: Xol
Character Class: Druid
Character Level: 110
Current main spec (and offspec): Resto, Guardian, Balance
Armory Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/characte...r/Xol/advanced
Do you have any alts? I have many
Do you PVP? No, never

3. Game experience (only if you are interested in raiding)

Raiding experience in Mists
Assuming this is an outdated question. Since vanilla I have cleared every expansion (Except the Lich King Citadel) on Heroic mode since it was made available (Even when HC was not a setting but an achievement based system)

Raiding experience prior to Mists
See above answer

Do you have any PvP experience?
I did some arena 2v2 a very long time ago

4. Your gaming past

What guilds have you been in the past?
Fallen Soldiers, Tempest Dawn, Koma, Dreamweavers

Why did you leave?
My friends stopped playing the game and the people remaining in my old guild where not my kind of people

5. About TG

Do you know anyone in The Garrison?
Yes. I looked up some info on the forum.

How did you learn about TG?
Via Wow realm ranks. Noticed that you are the only top guild not foccusing Mythic. I like that.

6. Other stuffs

What was the first computer game you ever played and on which machine - what was your favourite part?
I bought my first PC for 1500 gulden (wich was al the money I had collected since I was 4 years old) for the sole and only reason to play Warcraft 2. I don't think I need to tell anyone here what is so great about that game As for favorite part: Dragons! The DK's voice and the dwarven demo squad.

What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still like the band/singer? What are you listening to now?
Micheal Jackson I think.

Do you have spouse/kids/pets?
I have the modern-traditional non-marriage relationship with a beautifull gf and two daughters. No pets.

Do you have any others hobbies besides WoW?
I play boardgames and D&D every saturday night with my childhood friends. I also collect comic books, the european style obviously.

Tell us anything interesting about yourself that isn't related to WoW.
I can do a deadon 'evil-guy from inspector gadget' impression. I also do a pretty good murlock gurrgle if your into that. I like comedy in general. I watch all movies ever made. If you quote anything from a movie I probably know what, who and where it's from.

How do you like your coffee?
I like my sugar with coffee and cream! (Beastie Boys reference)

Why do you play WoW?
Because sticking swords through greenskinned people in real life is frowned upon.

What is your favourite WoW item?
Jeeves. Second place: all other stuff engineering can make. Best profession ever!

See you all in game!
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Old 27-01-2017   #2

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hi and thanks for applying to TG
the guild will now vote on the application and we will get back to you here in a few days time (usually 2)

good luck!

also a disclaimer - since raiding seems like a big priority for you, currently we are full on tanks and healers so you will need to get into dps role.
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Old 27-01-2017   #3
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Posts: 3

Hey Rudrig,

Yeah, we discussed that last night. I have done balance DPS in the past. I have no problem doing it again. I am used to filling roles wherever it is needed. I once played all 4 druid specs in one raid night! And that was when switching spec was not this easy either

That said, I will keep myself on the list to fill in as a healer whenever a spot is open.

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Old 29-01-2017   #4

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I'm pleased to inform you that your application has been successful. Please whisper myself or any officer for an invite.

Welcome to The Garrison.
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