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Old 10-01-2013   #1

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Default My Leaving (Still owe you all that)

“Originally Posted by Susanna
Morning bud,

Firstly , welcome to our guild! I've bumped your forum priveleges so you have access to the member areas. I did want to catch you in game , but I'm about to head off for the weekend, returning on Tuesday , so I thought I'd drop you a little PM.

I notice from your application that you had a wish to raid with your holy pally - I've stalked you on the armory and your gear is more than fine, and I also have a space for a healer on the roster. If you'd like to join us for some 25 man fun , let me know. Unfortunatly I have already compiled rosters for the 2nd and 7th early , due to the trip I mentioned , but would be happy to add you to any future raiding.

See you soon!


It al started with this mail my career at TG, when i reread this mail i reliazed that i was almost 2 years a part of TG.
As I mentioned it all started with my application and this welcome mail, started out as a member and slowly climb up the ranks towards raidleader, with some nice memories to it. After this I was promoted to officer and stayed on that position for a while until I just gave up (yes I know a bit weak) and gave my officer / raidleader position back.
During my time in TG I have met nice people and I had the privilege to play in a large but social guild.

My reason for leaving without a notice is both simply as well complicated.
Simply ? Yes just right click you portrait and select “leave Guild” simply as that.
Complicated ? : Yes because during this time, like I said before I have played In a very social guild with a lot of fun and laugther. I also met some nice people, some become friends whom I still talk to. I even have some RL friends playing in the guild.

So my reason for leaving :
Like I said it’s a bit complicated but in short, I found that there where some people not that happy with my return to the raiding group (beside this there where more problems in the group), but I believe this was / is 1 of the mean reasons for collapsing the The Muffins as a raiding group.
And since raiding is for me a significant part of the game I saw no other way then leave and try to find another guild to get raiding again. In this way I thought I solved a couple of issue’s.
Those who where not keen of my return could sleep again without waking up screaming and so.
Hope this will shed a bit more light on the subject of my leaving.

Gr K
Morituri te salutant





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Old 10-01-2013   #2

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Succes. Als je ooit hulp nodig heb moet je een gil geven.
1 happy panda in a Grumpy team...
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Old 10-01-2013   #3
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Excuse me for being honoust, this'll probably do more bad then good.

I have no idea what happened in the whole Muffins story, and i don't really need to know. Apparently people were not happy, and that can happen. But The Muffins is not The Garrison. If things don't work out, accept that and try to figure out a way that will work. If you want to raid, try to figure out a new raiding group that will suite your idea's. If Muffins fell, it's likely you were not the only one that wanted things differently. Take the people that have the same idea, and find new people to make that work. Or look for a spot in one of the other groups. There's 3 10man raiding teams besides Muffins, maybe one of those will have enough overlap with your ideas to give that a try (assuming they have a spot for you ofc!).
I hope you were not in The Garrison just for raiding with The Muffins. I understand that having 3-4 10man raiding teams somewhat splits up the guild into sub-guilds, although honoustly, i believe socially the guild is in very good shape, the best since a long time.
Just leaving the guild like you did without any word (until now) is certainly not flattering.
As you know, we've seen lots of people in the past that leave the guild looking for that greener grass. Sometimes they find it, but lots have returned sooner or later. Generally that wasn't a bit problem.
But if you're going to do that, AT LEAST be so social to let your guild know! Especially from well know, long term guild members like you, i'd expect more then this.

P.S. this is my opinion. I don't speak for the guild, obviously. And yes, i suck at diplomatics. Sorry.
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Old 10-01-2013   #4

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Originally Posted by Christa View Post
Excuse me for being honoust, this'll probably do more bad then good.

I have no idea what happened in the whole Muffins story, and i don't really need to know. Apparently people were not happy, and that can happen. But The Muffins is not The Garrison. If things don't work out, accept that and try to figure out a way that will work. If you want to raid, try to figure out a new raiding group that will suite your idea's. If Muffins fell, it's likely you were not the only one that wanted things differently. Take the people that have the same idea, and find new people to make that work. Or look for a spot in one of the other groups. There's 3 10man raiding teams besides Muffins, maybe one of those will have enough overlap with your ideas to give that a try (assuming they have a spot for you ofc!).
I hope you were not in The Garrison just for raiding with The Muffins. I understand that having 3-4 10man raiding teams somewhat splits up the guild into sub-guilds, although honoustly, i believe socially the guild is in very good shape, the best since a long time.
Just leaving the guild like you did without any word (until now) is certainly not flattering.
As you know, we've seen lots of people in the past that leave the guild looking for that greener grass. Sometimes they find it, but lots have returned sooner or later. Generally that wasn't a bit problem.
But if you're going to do that, AT LEAST be so social to let your guild know! Especially from well know, long term guild members like you, i'd expect more then this.

P.S. this is my opinion. I don't speak for the guild, obviously. And yes, i suck at diplomatics. Sorry.

I appreciate ypur honesty Christa, hadn't expect more then that. I know there are more raiding groups in TG, but since my timetable is very strickt i couldn't raid on work days anymore. So thats is basicly the reason i tried to get raiding again with the muffins. And tes you are right raiding isn't the only reason i stayed in TG there are more reason then raiding alone.
But at some point when one get the feeling you are the famous "Persona non Grata" then nothing more is left then pack your backs and leave.

Gr K
Morituri te salutant





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Old 10-01-2013   #5

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Still regret to see you leaving whatever the reason is/was. Do think there were other options or you could have created some the options. Your one of the reasons that I joined TG, next to the friendlycharacter and social aspects of the guild. So again sorry to see u leave.
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Old 11-01-2013   #6

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I definitely should have made screenshots of that conversation we had with you, Kuamoo, before you left. Apparently everything I said you didn't read. Or saw whatever you wanted to see in it. And I thought that we actually understood each other back then.

I also suck at diplomacy. Apparently I suck at writing, too, since you got it all wrong.
I have no reason to lie to you. And everyone who knows me, knows that I can't really lie.
But obviously you still didn't believe me. Well, it happens...

I told you that whatever problems we had with you in the past, they should stay in the past (and they were not some problems that can cause insomnia to any of us).
I also told you the reason that we felt that we can't do those raids anymore and that it has nothing to do with you. And also told you that the decision was made before that last raid too.

Whatever your trouble is, obviously it's enough for you to leave the guild, but please, don't belittle Wilbor's decision to dismiss the team. As equal as we were in that team, it still remained his team and his reasons for a decision like that are the real reasons. And they have nothing to do with you. Or me. Ask him if you still don't believe me.

I'm sorry you felt an outsider, it was never our intention, I'm sure I can speak for every Muffin here.

I still think that whatever happened - happened.
Let the Muffins rest in peace now. Hopefully someday they can come back stronger.

Wish you well wherever you are now.

Last edited by Thereyna; 12-01-2013 at 02:04 AM.
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