Hello there people!
Lost my e-mail account details or i woudl have said Hi! sooner.
Been following your progress since TBC, pleased to see you are progressing at a nice rate , you seem to be on the same bosses as my new guild most of the time which adds a nice little edge to me to try and make sure we keep up with my old guild.
Grtz on Leo, he is our current target (we went karathress first and he was nice and easy) I am sure you will get al ar down easy enough soon (Hope you have a pally tank on the adds)
I see DZ is a shammy now! No more backstabbing in the dark for you then

. (I am sure you have heard it but the new a7x album is rather good if a little different)
I see that my old sparring partner ginge has gone on to a harder core outfit with macey boy in tow and he is a mage now!
How are you all? Pharazon still in charge? Tan still playing? How are Christa and Zarra (noob healers

) Still fish oiling folks? My new bnch don't get that it's kinda sad.
Anyway, thought I might start dropping by again every now and then, you wont see ullohshadows around anymore (took him to an rp server and he is kinda retired) All my toons are on TM that I play now (renamed them all) so check out Evian (ullohspell) Papadorf (ullohdivine) Ullah (ullahunt) and of course the mighty Ulloh (Ullohsteel) and my latest little project tinydemonica (ullahdemonic) .
Went to a RL meet with my new bunch earlier this year , but drab tbh compared with the garrison bash , but hey ho can't have everything I guess.
cya's soon boonish folks