*Hijacks this thread for a couple of mins*
Hey guys! Thanks for the fun run to AQ20 today and for wanting me there

It was nice for once to feel relaxed while raiding! I love your atmosphere both in the raid and on ts and the fact that you manage to be totally laid back but still able to accomplish something.
I hope to see you all around some more! I know I've said this before, but I'm definitly considering making an app here, but there are just some things I need to think through first, and I need to figure out what I want now, with the game.
Anywho, you can always ask me if you need a druid for something! I'm up for mostly anything, and I would actually be very happy if you ask me, since I'm really enjoying hanging out with you guys (Yes I found out from just one raid! :O You guys are good!

/hugs to all - even the ones I haven't met! Eam