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AHS disbanded
was checking out my old guild's website, Azeroth Horde Slayers, when i discovered it had been disbanded. seeing as most of you guys knew people there i thought it would be worth mentioning.
I was the first officer to leave, due to the raiding times, after me a big chuck of the regular raiders left and joined GotR, which knocked AHS' raiding a long way back.
reading through the forums i can see how people left 1 by 1 over time, and at a point one of the top officers, Melkejal, decided to form a new guild - where a lot of the members have followed him, which eventually lead to AHS being disbanded by Firefly - since Flatfoot himself already had left the guild.
for more info: http://hordeslayers.org/
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Well, well, this is quite sad for me to hear, having originally been an AHS member myself. I'm surprised to hear that many have joined GotR, as AHS already merged with them once only for the core AHS officers to quit and reform the old guild. Firefly, Flatfoot and Robski were once officers within Guardians of the Realm as a result of the original merger, though that turned sour at the hands of their original, though now long-gone guild leader. It was at the time of the AHS officers leaving GotR that I joined The Garrison, as did Robski, as we had no inclination to lay the groundwork for a whole new guild again.
I hear Raythe is the guild leader of GotR these days. He was always a nice chap.
Firefly, was someone I had met before WoW, through Robski. Robski and I actually met Flatfoot when we were in London doing some contract work last year.
I hope everything works out for them.

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sad to hear
think i was a member of ahs for 3 weeks till i got fed up with being ganked all the time
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while($cookies > 1){
echo "Mmmmm...I love cookies! *munch munch munch*";
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Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by Rumil
I'm surprised to hear that many have joined GotR, as AHS already merged with them once only for the core AHS officers to quit and reform the old guild. Firefly, Flatfoot and Robski were once officers within Guardians of the Realm as a result of the original merger, though that turned sour at the hands of their original, though now long-gone guild leader.
The reason is probably that these 5 guys wanted to stick together, and they searched a week for a guild that would accept all of them, and i imagine finding a guild that wants a prot tank, shadow priest, mage, warlock and hunter is quite hard.
5 guys doesnt seem like much for TG, but these guys were very active in our raiding, and the shadow priest, itarildë, was the guy keeping the guild spitit up at the time, by forming heroics, and making sure the guildies got better gear...
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Sad times. I levelled up to 60 with AHS after joining early in my career (level 37 I think) when Rob and I chatted about WoW in work. I started Hak up on Dunemaul to join AHS as Rob was there.
So I played catch up with Rob and the gang in AHS and then eventually was swayed by The Old Garrison outlook.
Sad to hear indeed.
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wow - the guild charter I handed in a few weeks after WOW was released, those immortal words that took us soo long to come up with with "Azeroth Horde Slayers" - which did see us getting ganked alot
I salute the good ship AHS - good times were had by all
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Hehe good times

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 i loved seeing where you all have come from and the video made me laugh on the nod towards the Titanic movie
Did not realsie you all knew each other outside of wow.
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Originally Posted by Leei
 i loved seeing where you all have come from and the video made me laugh on the nod towards the Titanic movie
Did not realsie you all knew each other outside of wow.
I should get some kinda commision as well, I know Hak WAS buying the game anyway - but I got Rumil hooked all by myself - via a coverdisk trail on PC Gamer
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Yes dammit Rob you did. He just happened to mysteriously have a PC Gamer trail disk on him when he came round to help me building my (then) new machine. Thus began my life as... a Mage!! I ran around Coldridge Valley, killing Troggs and Wolves with my Frostbolts; all was well in the world. Upon leaving Coldridge I encountered a level 6 Juvenile Snow Leopard, and was horribly killed. I was such a noob at that point that I figured since I had died and become a ghost, that was the end of the game and that I had failed miserably (I didn't realize I had to just run back to my corpse to resurrect). After reading about the classes a little on the website, I deleted the Mage and created a Warrior, I simply followed the logic that by carrying a shield and wearing mail I would not die as fast (lol). If I had known about ressing from the beginning I probably would have ended up staying as a Mage, so it's funny how that noobishness kind of played a major part in determining the direction the game would go for me.
Anyhow, aside from the noobing, after laughing at me for hours on end, Rob invited me to join the small guild he had set up called Azeroth Horde Slayers. There I met Hakon and Flatfoot, a guy called Firefly was there as well (a mate of Rob's who we had both helped by writing reviews and articles for his gaming website gameburst.com, which was also where the guilds forums were at that time) and a whole bunch of nice people. The whole idea was just small scale fun and the those that had reached sixty were trying a few nights a week to clear places like UBRS and Strat. As more people in the game leveled higher, a few people left to try and find an 'MC guild' as AHS was too small and didn't seem focused on trying to get raiding going.
I think Hak left around that time, as per this post:
Originally Posted by Hakon
Dear friends,
Having been on a mission to obtained revered status with Stormpike (AV) and meeting that goal last night, I found myself wandering around with little to do.
I have started new characters and gotthem up to about lvl 13 but just cannot be bothered going through the long haul and repeating quest lines to get to lvl 60 for the same inevitable unsurity. Besides I like my Rogue just too much, something about moving around without being seen that appeals.
As mentioned by Snotty I feel a need to try and see what MC is like and I don't think we have the capacity in our good guild for me to achieve it.
I did a little digging and found the folliwng site for people who seem to be like us, http://www.theoldergamers.com/, older players who cannot always be online all teh time. Additionally they are all over 25 years old.
They have a guild on Dunemaul called 'The Old Garrisson' and I did a search and found there to be at least 15 lvl 60's on at the same time as me last night.
So I have registered on their website and will try the guild out, assuming all goes well i'll let you know what they are like. My hope is that they will be just like us and if so it would be good if we could all join them.
Of course I have most of you listed as friends so know when you are online and i'll keep you all in the loop.
So don't know when it will happen but we can wait and see.
Then there was the horrible merger with Guardians of the Realm, which actually got us to MC, but the leadership was crap and the raiding usually didn't amount to much even though we did get up to Gehenas in MC. I was feeling a bit frustrated at that point. Then I read this:
Originally Posted by Hakon
The Old garrison was the dogs knackers. We split and became The Garrison (the former on still exists). and that is now even better, Raggy on farm, about to go in BWL, AQ20 4 or 5 bosses down and i'm epicced up.
I quit GotR and joined TG, then I quit TG and rejoined GotR because I'd been asked to help work out the problems we were having there, then pretty much everyone from AHS quit GotR and I rejoined TG.
Funny little journey that, hehe.

Multiplayer shenanigans with a side order of smut!
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