1. Something about you
How old are you? 28 (It's catching up with me!)
What country are you from? United Kingdom
What is your RL occupation? Logistics Management in Music
Apply for social / raider or pvp'er? Raider / PvP
Are you interested in raiding? Yes
2. Some information about your character
Character Name: Áxís
Character Class: Warrior
Character Level:110
Current main spec (and offspec): Arms (Protection)
Armory Link:
*Please note the Ilvl is currently rising quite quickly, only returned to Legion recently so playing catch up*
Do you have any alts? Not Actively
Do you PVP? Yes
3. Game experience (only if you are interested in raiding)
Raiding experience in Mists - N/A
Raiding experience prior to Mists - Vanilla - ZG,MC,BWL,AQ | TBC - SSC,MH,The Eye, BWL | WoD - HFC (Heroic)
Do you have any PvP experience? Vanilla - Ranked | WoD - Holy Paladin 2000 Rating
4. Your gaming past
What guilds have you been in the past? I was previously in a PvP guild (Crucified) during WoD but had to leave the game temporarily due to work. I have only recently returned to Legion recently as a full time player so no previous guilds prior to this.
Why did you leave? As Above
5. About TG
Do you know anyone in The Garrison? Not to my knowledge
How did you learn about TG? Realm Forums
6. Other stuffs
What was the first computer game you ever played and on which machine - what was your favourite part? Sega Master system - Alex the Kidd (Came with the box
What was the first record you ever bought? Do you still like the band/singer? What are you listening to now? Eiffell 65 - Blue! - Haha, makes me laugh even writing that. I work in electronic dance music full time so I have to keep up current trends so a lot of things at the moment
Do you have spouse/kids/pets? Nope / Nope / Nope - Keeping those commitments down!
Do you have any others hobbies besides WoW? I do Music Production as a hobbie also, in between gaming I will generally be spending time in the studio.
Tell us anything interesting about yourself that isn't related to WoW - As above, music is pretty much my other life outside gaming
How do you like your coffee? White, 2 Sugars!
Why do you play WoW? Honestly, because out of all the other games I try (other than Hearthstone), nothing quite compares and there's still a lot of nostalgia I have with this game. (I listen to the soundtracks too much as work hehe)
What is your favourite WoW item? Zink'Roth, Destroyer of Worlds - Still farming this transmog!
Oh & geromino
BattleNet : Frequence#2482