Hehe... what a familiar scenery. To browse into this long forgotten forum of even longer forgotten online friends.
How are you all!?
I hope you are still enjoying the special Garrison atmosphere and cozyness - well, I see many familiar names on the forums posts, so of course you are still here!
How could I ever doubt it.
Well - I am still enjoying life, also the life outside WOW - yes, there is one
My prolonged break is still in effect.. who knows.. our paths may cross once again. At the moment I am enjoying life with my family - three young kids now and a busy job as well, so not the best combo with a demanding online game to concentrate on as well.
As it is I am playing the not-so-demaning online game Travian, where you can play, when you have time - and your little lemmings and cities suit themselves more or less, until you next have time to log on. Danish server 2 btw.
Anyway - all the best once again - I have enjoyed my best gaming experiences with you - special thanks go out to the old people from Guild of the Elderly - Cauthon, Zeng(h)i, Siana, Ron, Solaria, Dufva - as well as the also many familiar faces of the Garrison of the early days - Pharazon, Proto, Erina, Christa, Flipper, Dinsane, Tane, Hakon, Angro, that I see are all still active. And of course Ezi and Bewulf and the rest of the 2nd best mages

And... well... I know - I forgot some, but let's face it - I am getting old as well.
PS: Found an old but interesting topic, while briefly browsing the forum... Healing in raids and why people die... hmm.. maybe I should have read that a year ago.
Take care - Nuunar